Giving Full Head Shave: Is a Straight or Electric Razor Best?


One of the classic looks that barbers give clients every single day in barber chairs all across the country is a fully shaved head.

Although this is not for every client, the ones that do prefer this option and visit a barber to have it completed are wanting a top of the line shave that is better than one they could give themselves at home.



Although there are different reasons someone may want to try this look, it is a barbers job to be able to establish themselves as a trusted barber that can complete the look seamlessly.

Because most men who prefer this shaven look do it on their own most of the time, as a barber, you can set the expectation for the look and feel of having a full head shave completed!


When it comes to offering a full head shave, there are two options of what tool you can use to complete the shave.

This is done using either a straight razor or an electric razor. Although most barbers opt for using a straight razor for achieving this look for their clients, we will also show a good option for using an electric razor.




A Straight Razor for a Full Head Shave

When using a straight razor for a full head shave, there are a few highly suggested steps that aid in giving the closest, clean shave possible.


Trimming and Shampoo:

The first thing you will want to do is to cut and trim your client’s hair as short as possible.

This is typically done by using a pair of clippers and a 0000 guard.

For clients that have some length and volume to their hair, trimming it down first to a 1/8 or 1/16 of an inch will help give excellent results.

Use clarifying shampoo once the trimming is completed to help remove dead skin and make it much easier to shave.



Prep and Shave:

Use a hot towel on the clients head to prepare the hair and skin to be shaved, helping to soften the hair once it is heated. This aids in reducing and preventing razor burn.

Using a lather machine with warm lather shave cream is always gonna help even more with prepping the head for a shave.



After applying shaving cream, gel, or oil, ensure that you shave from the top of the head in the direction the hairs are growing.

If any area is missed the first time, you will need to touch it up, but remember that shaving an area more than once increases the chance of razor burn.


After the Shave:

Once the shave is completed, you can apply whatever product you desire including aftershave or a cold towel after using soap and water.

Men that do not shave their head regularly could have some sensitivity. Using a moisturizer or cold towel treatment can help in preventing any discomfort.


When you are looking for a straight razor for your barber shop, there are many options.

With straight razors becoming popular for men to use at home, some razors on the market are not designed for the quality and durability that you will need for long-term continuous use in your barbershop.


A Great Professional Electric Razor Option


Braun Series 9


The Braun Series 9 is a step up from the typical electric razor.

This option is a professional grade shaver that is great for any barbershop. When it comes to providing a complete head shave, some barbers opt for an electric option instead of the straight razor blade.

This could be the preference of the client or the only option in the shop.



The Series 9 brings a lot of innovative and impressive technology to an electric shaver.

This series by Braun includes their AutoSense Technology and combines five synchronized shavers that read the hair it is cutting and adjusts the power of the motor depending on the thickness.

This technology is outstanding to have included if you are using it to complete a full head shave!


The shaver includes the OptiFoil, HyperLift&Cut Trimmer, Direct&Cut Trimmer, Protective SkinGuard, and OptiFoil.

Each of these elements helps in lifting and cutting hair that is laying flat, cuts hairs efficiently that are growing in different directions, and smoothes the skin to aid in giving an optimal shave!



Any barber that chooses to use an electric razor for providing full head shaves will not be disappointed with this option!




A Great Professional Straight Razor Option


Parker SRX


The Parker SRX straight razor was designed with professional barbers in mind.

The arm is as durable as you can get and weighs only 2.3 ounces. This razor helps in minimizing and reducing any nicks and cuts, and the rounded frame helps in accomplishing this correctly.


The razor can be used with either a single or double-edged razor blade, meaning barbers should be a bit more careful when handling the individual blades.

Since this option has interchangeable blades, you will not have to worry anymore about sharpening or stropping.





Straight Razor vs. Electric Razor Full Head Shave – Is one better?


Many clients have asked, “Which is better?” When someone asks for a full head shave, they are looking for a clean, sleek look and feel.

They want a close shave and a comfortable and relaxing experience.

Although both options will provide the client with a close and accurate shave, one option does seem to stand out when barbers are asked what their clients prefer.


Most barbers and their clients agree that when completing a full head shave using a straight razor, along with an excellent hot and cold towel treatment before and after, creates a relaxing experience.

As well as offering some extra features like essential oils, scalp massages, and gels and creams during the steps for a full head shave adds an extra luxury not easily attained at home.

With these combined experiences, a full head shave that is completed using a straight razor is both an excellent hair shaving option, as well as the added luxuries that a barber can offer while completing the steps.


Little Details Always Bring Clients Back for More!


Clients always seem to return for a full head shave using a straight razor.

Not only does it get the process done, but it gives some time to relax, enjoy to smells and soothing feelings, and leave in a relaxed mood.


For this reason, we have to say that a straight razor full head shave is the best option. However, that is not to say an electric razor shave is any less efficient.

We know in today’s hectic, fast-paced world, giving a client a taste of luxury is sure to have them sitting in your chair again soon!




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