Questions and Answers in the Barber World!

You need to begin with the purchase of your first barbering kit, which will include hair clippers, guards, a few combs, scissors, a cape, disinfectant products such as barbecide, spray disinfectant, hand sanitizer and clorox wipes. You will also need to set a goal, have some confidence, enthusiasm and the passion that will drive your will to practice and become better at your art.

You should not concentrate on making the money this early on. The people that will allow you to cut their hair and practice, are the people that are already helping you greatly. Having them have to pay you as well is not too fair. Thank them each and every time they need their haircut an let them know how much you appreciate their kindness.

Every one has different lengths of time in which they feel they are a sufficient barber that produces great haircuts and experiences. It all depends on the goal you have set for yourself and how true you are to your word when you decide that on a scale of 1-10, that your haircut is exactly where you believe you are. It does take lots and lots of practice to get good at barbering. Throughought your career you will feel and see that the industry changes all the time so you must keep your blades sharp and your mind ready for new things you must learn, practice and perfect, The amount of time can be a month, a year, 5 years, it all depends on how much passion you have for Barbering and how much you practice on making your skillz top notch.

You must have communication skills in this industry. When you have a client in your chair, it is a one on one conversation and it become very interactive. You must know that you will be in their personal space touching their head, face, hair, and pulling on their skin to perform your skills and create the best haircut that you can each and everytime. If you do not have simple communication skills you will not be able to communicate with your client what procedure and haircut he is wanting and how exactly he or she would like it. Communication is key in this industry. Don't be shy and get ready to talk and listen more than you have ever done in your life.

Yes. It is required that you go to school and complete 1250 clocked hours in this profession if you would like to be a barber. It is also required that you pass those classes and obtain your Barbering Certificate. You must test through the state in which you live or wish to be a Barber in. You will test, if you pass you will obtain your Barbering License and therefore will be ready to work in a shop that will take in new and inexperienced barbers or you can start your own.

Yes and No. This all depends on the style of Barber Shop you will work at. Most Barber Shops run with booth rent. Booth rent requires the barber, who is renting the chair and section for their equipment, to pay a monthly fee in order to work in that space in the shop. This is great because as the question asks, you will be able to make your own hours and days that you work. Of course you would keep in mind the days the Shop owner is open and what other rules and regulations they have for the shop. In other cases, the shop owner has you, the Barber, as an employee and will pay you a percentage on the amount of haircuts and sales you have that day or week. In this case it is no so flexible and you will be required to work the hours the Shop owner gives you.